FAQ G Scale
27.01.2025 My BR 91.3 G gauge produces no or very little steam
Solution: Please programme the following CVs in the sequence described
CV1021 = 0
CV1019 = 255
This will reset the controller responsible for steam generation. The correct values are then entered in the relevant CVs.
You can then increase the amount of vapour using the following CV setting if necessary:
CV984 = 35
16.01.2025 After the digitalisation with sound of my analogue BR 91.3, there are no steam blasts can be heard
Reason: The analogue version of the BR 91.3 does not have a wheel sensor that would transmit the pulses for wheel-synchronous steam bursts to the decoder, but due to its factory setting the decoder #36545 expects this pulse to trigger the steam burst wheel-synchronously in the sound.
Solution: By programming CV47 = 1 (factory setting 33), the sound part of the decoder now generates the steam bursts independently, but these cannot be wheel-synchronous. if necessary, the frequency of the steam bursts can be adapted to the locomotive's driving behaviour to a certain extent via CV160 (steam burst trigger).
03.07.2024 The sound modules on the SUSI interface of the PIKO SmartDecoder XP G #36500 do not work properly.
My PIKO sound module, which is connected to the SUSI interface of the PIKO SmartDecoder XP G #36500, does not work properly (e.g. no sound, no braking noise, or up and down speed when the load changes).
The decoder does not output any SUSI data for the sound module at SUSI.
The pause between the SUSI packets is too short
Programme CV47 to the value 1.
Increase CV112 from the value 0 to the value 4.
16.05.2024 Use of the bridge plug ET37330-55 / 37450-82-3003-V1.2
The following illustration shows the assignment of the outputs (AUX) to the labels of the solder jumpers (F).
Solder jumper 1 - should be activated in both directions
Solder jumper 2 - only in reverse direction
Solder jumper 3 - only in forward direction.
G-Glass train Digital version - In the de-energised state, the scissor pantograph always moves to the upper position
If the pantograph always moves to the upper position as soon as the train is de-energised, the two tension springs of the pantograph can be unhooked.
You can find a short instruction for removing the springs in the following PDF.
If the scissor pantograph does not extend to the desired height in digital mode, you can readjust by increasing the value of CV210. Please increase the value of this CV moderately, e.g. in steps of 5.
G-Taurus "driving on currentless sections and block sections"
To improve riding on currentless track sections and block sections we are offering the possibility of additional wiring. (see picture, please take care of the correct polarity!) Thus the locomotive always runs completely -with both bogies- into the currentless section / block section. This prevents that the leading bogie is already currentless while the second bogie is still moving.
This description applies only for engines with serial number 37410010001 to 37410011224 For all other copies, this bridge has been installed at the factory..
Do PIKO G Scale locomotives run on gauge 1 tracks?
Our locomotives for the garden railway have the same size as the gauge 1 models. The distance from the tread to the upper edge of the wheel flange is 2.7 mm at PIKO G scale models. But because of the different wheel flange height operational problems could occur.
Transformer power for PIKO G Scale vehicles:
Um mit den zweimotorigen PIKO G-Lokomotiven im analogen Betrieb optimale Fahr- und Zugleistungen zu erreichen, benötigen Sie einen Transformator mit mindestens 18V/ 2 A Ausgangsleistung. Trafos mit diesen Anforderungen erhalten Sie im Fachhandel. Bei PIKO sind ein Transformator #35000 und ein elektronischer Fahrregler #35002 mit 20V/ 5 A im Sortiment.
On which radius runs the PIKO G Scale diesel loco V 60?
The model runs through the smallest radius R1 with the 600 mm. In this radius, the friction of the wheels in the rail profiles is very high, so if possible use larger radii like R3 or R5. The operational safety will be increased and thus the use of the loco looks more realistic. When driving through curves the chassis extends far to the outside, please check the gauge of your layout.
How to open the G Scale BR 199?
New engine for the G Scale loco E 94
Alle ab Juli/2013 produzierten Spur G E 94, beginnend mit #37434 BR 1020 MWB, erhalten neue Antriebe. Dieser Antrieb hat einen kugelgelagerten Motor mit zweigängigen Schnecken und geänderter Getriebeuntersetzung. Die neuen Zahnräder haben durchgängige Achsen und sind, genau wie die neuen Lokräder, notwendig, um die Geschwindigkeit anzupassen. Die Lok würde durch den neuen Motor (mit zweigängiger Schnecke) ohne Getriebeanpassung zu schnell. Die neue Antriebseinheit #36108 kann problemlos in die bisherigen E 94 eingebaut werden. Die neuen Radsätze und Zwischenzahnräder passen nicht in die „alten“ Getriebegehäuse.
All G Scale E 94 produced from July/2013, starting with #37434 BR 1020 MWB, obtain new drives. This drive has a ball-bearing motor with double-flighted screw and changed gear ratio. The new axes of the gears are one-piece, and are, as the new locomotive wheels, necessary to adjust the speed. The locomotive would, caused by the new engine with two-thread worm, run too quickly without adjustment. The new power unit # 36108 can be easily installed into the existing E 94. The new sets of wheels and intermediate gears do not fit into the "old" gearbox.
Note: Both drive units must be exchanged, otherwise no synchronization of the bogies is given.
21.10.2021 Assembly of the electrical couplings
23.07.2021 How can I open the 37840 car? What must be observed?
What needs to be considered when installing a function decoder #56126 in the G control car #37635?
Do the profiles have the same height and thickness as LGB* profiles?
*LGB is a registered trademark of the Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, permanent establishment Nürnberg (LGB) **Aristo-Craftis a registered trademark of the Aristo-Craft Trains, Irvington, N.J., USA
Are the dimensions of the thresholds comparable with the thresholds of LGB* tracks?
The PIKO G track thresholds are comparable to the LGB* thresholds. The wood grain of the PIKO thresholds is modeled even better than the LGB* thresholds.
*LGB is a registered trademark of the Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, permanent establishment Nürnberg (LGB)
The track is weatherproof?
The PIKO G track is UV resistant and can be used outdoors.
Are the threshold colors of the PIKO G track and of the LGB* tracks the same?
The brown of the PIKO G track thresholds is a shade more intense than that to the LGB* thresholds. It corresponds to RAL 8017.
In reality a big variety of shades of the thresholds can be found.
*LGB is a registered trademark of the Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, permanent establishment Nürnberg (LGB)
Is the PIKO G track a narrow gauge - or standard gauge track?
*LGB is a registered trademark of the Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH, permanent establishment Nürnberg (LGB)