Info / Downloadarea PIKO SmartControlWLAN
1) Manuals:
- PIKO SmartControlWLAN Controller Schnellanleitung / Quick Manual (Stand 10/2023 | .pdf Datei | ca. 1 MB )
- PIKO SmartControlWLAN Set Anleitung / Manual (Stand 10/2023 | .pdf Datei | ca. 1 MB )
- PIKO SmartControlWLAN ausführliche Anleitung / detailed manual (Stand 10/2023 | .pdf Datei | ca. 6 MB )
2) App

3) Downloads
3.1) Update PIKO SmartControlWLAN
Here you will find the latest update of the PIKO SmartControlWLAN as a ZIP archive for download and the instructions for the installation options as a pdf in German and English. Also the release notes (what has changed in the new version) for the firmware versions.
Update manual DE
Update manual EN
- Update (v1.1.0.0)**
(Stand 03/2025 | .zip Folder | ca. 2 MB)
► Release Notes
3.2) SD Card Data Package
Here you will find the current and complete contents of the SD card of the PSCwlan. If your card has data errors, is defective or has been lost, you can unpack this ZIP file and copy the unpacked folders to a new, formatted SD card.
The folders contain all the necessary system files, the current firmware versions of PSCwlan and PIKO SmartDecoder XP, as well as the current PIKO vehicle images.
Click on the following link to download the "PSCwlan SD card data package".
4) FAQ / Help:
27.11.2024 If the PSCwlan app crashes when used with a mobile device via WLAN?
When I use the PSCwlan app with my Android smartphone or tablet via WLAN connection, the app sometimes crashes.
Current Android versions are set in the WLAN settings so that they automatically switch to ‘Mobile data’ when the Internet connection is interrupted, which automatically cancels the WLAN connection to the PSCwlan. The PSCwlan app cannot intercept this process and the app closes automatically.
In the following PDF you will find an example of a solution by changing the WLAN settings on the mobile device.
PDF: Crash PSCwlan Android
11.12.2023 How can I upgrade the PIKO SmartControlWLAN Box from the PIKO starter sets to the full version?
Option 1)
A PIKO SmartControlWLAN App application is available for PIKO SmartControlWLAN in the platform-specific app stores (Apple AppStore, Google PlayStore, Microsoft Store). In addition to settings on the control panel, this can also be used to enter a licence code (activation code) and establish a connection to the control panel within the ConfigTool. The serial number (sticker on the back) can be viewed under [Info], as well as an activation code that may already be stored. If no activation code has been stored yet, this can be entered. You can enter an activation code that is already known for this control panel as well as a licence code. A licence code is automatically converted into an activation code by the software (Internet connection required on the device) using the serial number of the alarm panel.
Option 2)
You can send an email to or call the PIKO hotline.
To activate the control panel, you must send the complete serial number of the control panel (sticker on the back / controller: → 7 i → Serial numbers, see operating instructions 3.8.7) and your licence key. The PIKO service employee will create an activation code for you. You can enter the activation code in the PIKO SmartControlWLAN App or via a controller. (see operating instructions 3.8.8)
11.12.2023 What is the difference between PIKO SmartControlWLAN Box from a PIKO Start-Sets and the full verison?
5) Video Tutorials (German):
6) Support
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